Friday, May 30, 2003
Yeah, the eighth graders come up to my school on monday. Woohoo. That means we get a bunch of snot-nosed losers who idolize FRESHMEN. God, that's stupid.
Next thing on the agenda: Something reeks. I'm in CAD class, and something form the area of the moron clump smells like decomposition. I think the had some school breakfast or something.
And finally, I think that Biology blows. Why? Because I've been up until almost 11pm every night this week making a project for the class. I have to make a "Portfolio containing your best works from the semester". BS. In this portfolio, I need to collect a bunch of work from the semester, and write a letter from someone I don't know to another person I don't know. Why? How the hell am I supposed to know?
I'm out.
Wednesday, May 28, 2003
Tuesday, May 27, 2003
Uhh I think Ben is nuts. He just made a picture in DataCAD that had a little guy with a gun next to his head. Now, this would've been all nice and cool except he had a little section of text that said "I'm going to shoot myself" in very very bad writing. Duncan has made him black as well. I'm out.
Well. After a long weekend of playing around in my house (building stuff) I still have *gasp* no computer. (*sigh*)
I had some trouble this weekend. In the parking lot for BJ's, I almost hit a guy who decided to park within three inches of me. Moron.
Last Friday was Martin Sargent's last day on the ScreenSavers! :*( He has a new show on Monday to Thursday at 2300, on TechTv, so check it out. It's really weird...think Tom Green + Computer. I saw a segment where Martin went to the International Gourmet Kitchen Appliances Show in LA. Do you know why he went there? That's right. To get a blender! Oh yes, a blender. He went through the convention for about an hour to find the most badass blender there, and my oh my did he find a kickass blender! It was the PowerBlend 5000 from Kitchenaid, and it was a military-grade crusher-blender-pureer-killing machine. Check out Unscrewed at 2300 (That's 11pm for you military-impared ones) on TechTv.
Well, I'm almost done with my house now. We have the plumbing in, and will have water by next weekend (yay!). After that, all we need to do is finish the electrical boxes then we can hang the drywall, lay down careting, and then do the finish work.
I'll update some other time.
Friday, May 23, 2003
I'm at home, on my brother's computer. Not quite as slow as the school computers, but almost there compared to my race car-puter. I checked out the stuff from the view of a computer on another resolution (the school computers have it locked on 1024x768), and I noticed that my posts section is...small. I tried to remedy this, but I don't have the patience to do that right now, so I'll do it on Tuesday during CAD class >:).
Err...It's Friday, like I said before, and David is going to come up tonight, so maybe I'll get my puter back fomr the shop, which I have found, is where it has been hiding since last Thursday.
But, I'm a little bored. All week,I have been watching shows like Silent Mobius on TechTv and the ScreenSavers, also on TechTv, but the content has...stagnated. (*sigh*)
This is getting to be a little annoying, working on such a slow computer, soooo cloooose to where mine was just eight days ago...I feel like I need to play Natural Selection! >.> <.< You...err...wanna hook me up?
Ah well. Later.
OK here's the deal. New Template and the tagboard *finally* works. I know I've been saying that I was gonna fix it all week, but I finally did, so TAG! I think I am the only one who tagged (keys doesn't count, he's too short :P).
Duncan and Ben are still playing with Terragen, a terrain generator, which takes FOREVER on the school computers. Oh well.
Umm. It's Friday, and suprisingly, I didn't see Matt yesterday, so I couldn't scream things almost like "Happy Birthday" at him. But it's Friday, and since it is Friday, I'm not gonna do any work in CAD class. Hey--doesn't that sound like Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday too? I think I may be seeing a pattern here.
Ben is going to be a narcileptic now, just to see whether the teacher, Mr Duquette notices. I wonder if he does...
Over the past few weeks, I have acquired more and more students from Duquette-san, and I have been teaching them the masterful art of Visual Reality.
Thursday, May 22, 2003
Here it is. May 22. A.K.A. Late Arrival day. That means that I get at school at 830 and I wait until about 945 until CAD starts, so I can continue playing games, though on another computer in another room.
You may be noticing that I cannot spell the word necessary correctly, as Ben has pointed out many times. The problem is, I cannot spell long words for shit and I don't care if you tell me, got it Ben? Good.
Another idiot is near me. This seems to be a pattern...thenever I go into the CAD room, an idiot comes to meet me. Hmmm....
Jimmy the Fish is next to me ranting...this reminds me of the Ranting Swede from the show Sheep in the Big City from the Cartoon Network. Silly Jimmy...
Seth is next to me on his laptop, which I was just playing Unreal Tournament 2003 (if you haven't heard of it, the site is here) on (and pwning, just so you know). But, since it was Seth's computer, I let someone else have a chance to get pwned (this is where the moron comes in).
Anyways...I'm out.
Tuesday, May 20, 2003
Today, my CAD teacher, Mr Duquette is out. Instead, we have one of the coolest subs in the school, Mr Ben Hill. Mr Hill does stuf to make him cool, and I'm not sure what that stuff is yet, because I've only had him as a teacher for one or two classes.
Anyway. About 30 seconds after I typed the last sentence on my last post, my friend came in and told me that his mom was going to give us a ride instead of him going to get his car. Later, though we went to the store and came back to school to get working papers (hmmm maybe I should get those today...), and all of this was in his car! W007 M0nt3 C4|2l0!!1 <=B4D L337 Sk1llz >:)
I'll update again later if I feel it is nessicairy, or if I just have nothing to do.
Monday, May 19, 2003
By now, you may have realized that I am waiting for something. It turns out that this somethign may be my Tag-Board to work. I got it to be on the page,'s a little high for my taste. In this update, I'm going to try to fix that up for my own state of mind (haha!).
But, alas, I am waiting instead for my ride home. I was told by my friend that I could get a ride with him because he got lisence today (did I spell that right?). So, he was going to pick me up in his brand spanking new '98 Monte Carlo LS (whoohoo), but, at 15:30, he still isnt here, and it is a about an hour after school ended. LOL! After I got done typing that last sentence, his mom just pulled into the school traffic circle thingy, which happens to be right in front of me.
Aight, I'm going to try to fix that annoying thing on the tag board.
Later y'all.
Now, you may be thinking, why did he use that inappropriate phrase? I assure you that it was not supposed to offend anyone, except maybe Ben Perkins...but that is beside the point ;-). I'm writing to y'all from CAD class, and the reason is PC at home has been, well...misplaced. I'm not sure why or how, but: One day it was there and the next day it wasn't. If you can assist me in finding it, please drop me an email. Wait. Scratch that. No computer = No Email.
You may be asking "How are you updating your Blog, then?" Well, rest assured, I have my ways.
Uhh. I'm gonna try to get a TaggitBoard up for you all to drop one-liners on, and maybe some NIALL quotes (NIALL is a Non-Intelligent Language Learner, the A means something, but I'm not sure what that is).
Another Language bot is the Jibble Applet Bot, located Here.
I'm not sure where NIALL is right now, but the JibbleBot is cool because you can see how it actually maps its language.
Well. Later.
Thursday, May 15, 2003
Again, idiocy confounds me.
But off of that, I would like to say that today is a good day. First of all, most of my classmates are off on a fieldtrip, so in two of my classes, we won't be doing anything at all! In the other two classes, we don't do any work at all anyways, so it don't matter. :) Oh ya, I only have four classes.
I'm sitting in 3D Art class right now, typing on a SLOW computer while I should be doing my monster project >:).
About that, the blog for it is at This Blog.
Check it out in a few days, and I should have updated it at least once.
Furthermore, today is good because the Matrix: Reloaded comes out today :-D. Check it out at The official Site
Erm, for now, I don't have anything else to tell y'all, so I'm off.
Tuesday, May 13, 2003
...What should I write about? I have a flaming moron near me and I'm not sure what his problem is...for some reason, he just stands there screaming at me and other people, for no reason whatsoever. Oh well.
Another note, I'm about to make fun of people. I'm sitting here in CAD class, and I guess I've inherited a protege (*sigh*) from the teacher. The thing is, this kid can't hold his own for crap. Yesterday, for example, I told him how to do the same thing about twelve times before giving up. Needless to say, I'm a little annoyed by him.
Another Idiot that I can't stand is Senator Fritz. For some reason, he thinks that people need to have their computers all equal and with "Trusted Parts." These "trusted" parts have special chips on them that allow the Trusted Computer Platform Agency to know what you do at all times. They will log your keytappings, and they will be able to remotely scan your computer and delete any files they don't like, such as music, "Innapropriate" games (GTA III for example), and any pirated stuff on your computer (music, games, videos, etc).
Oh ya, speaking of idiocy, check out my friend's blogs: Dismantled Intentions and Monochromatic Existence
I'll update later.