Friday, May 23, 2003

[Home, Sweet Home]
I'm at home, on my brother's computer. Not quite as slow as the school computers, but almost there compared to my race car-puter. I checked out the stuff from the view of a computer on another resolution (the school computers have it locked on 1024x768), and I noticed that my posts section is...small. I tried to remedy this, but I don't have the patience to do that right now, so I'll do it on Tuesday during CAD class >:).
Err...It's Friday, like I said before, and David is going to come up tonight, so maybe I'll get my puter back fomr the shop, which I have found, is where it has been hiding since last Thursday.
But, I'm a little bored. All week,I have been watching shows like Silent Mobius on TechTv and the ScreenSavers, also on TechTv, but the content has...stagnated. (*sigh*)
This is getting to be a little annoying, working on such a slow computer, soooo cloooose to where mine was just eight days ago...I feel like I need to play Natural Selection! >.> <.< You...err...wanna hook me up?
Ah well. Later.


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