Sunday, November 23, 2003
Wednesday, November 19, 2003
After work, I went to dinner at Friendly's. In my car! No, it isn't a really big thing for most people out there, but I just got a new car (mentioned in previous posts), and I drove it around Concord and my neighborhood. I really love this car a lot. My mom filled it up with gas before she went to Market Basket, and it took less than $10 lol.
I've been training at work, and today I was put with a weird guy named Matt. He's a little slow, I'd say. He liked to repeat his strange sayings (none of which were about the job), and took his time with, well, pretty much everything we did. Whatever.
Today we watched some of Saving Private Ryan in History. Good movie. Very good movie. After I'd read the material backgrounding the scenes we watched, I had the strangest desire to play Day of Defeat, and I found out tonight that I'm pretty good at being a Sargent/Unteroffizer/Sargent Major. I'm also not too shabby in the Sniper/Marksman/[German Sniper] class. Anything with an automatic non-rifle or a scope, I'm pretty good with, especially in close quarters (not the scope on that part, more the sub machine gun). I went 57/21 with a score of 42 in one round. (Not too bad for someone who'd never played before, eh?) I'm not sure how they award points, but I think it's based on your kill to deaths ratio.
Oh ya--just in case you've noticed typos or things that don't make sense, I'll never go back to change a post other than to make it legible, so I'll never have to be accused of changing information, and I'll not have ot forget things that were important to me at a certain point in my life. If this happens to come back and bite me in the ass, so be it.
Hmmmm....Nothin' else to say tonight.
Sunday, November 16, 2003
It's funny how five little words can make you feel so weird.
On Thursday, I realized how much I really liked Darcie when she said to my friend "I do like you, Jon." Funny, huh?
I've moved on though. Why? Because I got a car! It's a 2000 Daewoo Nubria, fully loaded with only 43,000 miles on it. I got it for $3,650 (USD). It gets about 35 miles per gallon, and it has a lot of vertical headroom. I like it. The only thing I don't like about it is that it's an automatic :(. Oh well, you can't get everything, huh?
Here is a picture of a car that looks just like it, just more expensive. The guy that I bought it from doesn't have a license to sell cars that have been in accidents, so I know its clean. He's going to have it inspected and make sure that everything is good on it before I can take it from his lot, so I know it'll be in good working order. I drove it, so I know it runs. I'm happy.
Guess what else I have to tell you? I got a job at Market Basket! Yay! I'll be starting tonarrow at 3:30 and I'll be getting $7.00/hr. It's not much, but it's $7.00/hr that I wasn't making before, plus it gives me something constructive to do in the afternoons. A bunch of my friends work there too, so it can't be horrible or anything, plus if I need a day or a few off, I just ask my boss a week in advance and he'll put it in the schedule. Yay!
That's about all I have to post tonight. Later, y'all.
Sunday, November 09, 2003
I'm very confused...but more on that later.
First off, I went to the mall today and *bought* four games, and two were even for the computer!
-Enter the Matrix-No explaination needed
-Diablo II Expansion-The downloaded one didn't work online
-Jet Grind Radio-Pretty Colors+Cel Shading+Spraypainting stuff=Good
-Rogue Squadron 64-X Wing+Little men running on the ground=Fun >:}
Why am I so confused, you may be asking. I'll tell you after this. After we went to see the Matrix, Janelle and I went to Borders, the coolest book store evar. I bought a deck of Tarot Cards and I'm in the process of learning to Read them for myself. But That's not why I'm so confused.
You see, there are a few people who think that I "like" Darcie. I'm pretty sure that I told myself that I wasn't going to let myself or anyone else down again for a while, but the people who have asked me aren't the most intuitive folks that I know, so there must be some reason that they think what they do. I don't know if there is a blatant "sign" or something, but I really don't know why three people who barely know wach other have come toward me saying this.
It's funny...less than three weeks ago, I was so desperate for a close girl friend that I was feeling dejected after being dropped so many times before. Now, when people are saying that they think I "like" someone, I don't give it any real thought at all.
It's not that I don't like Darcie. She's one of the most wonderful people I know: Smart, funny, incredibly deep eyes, and she's nice to everyone, not to mention fun to just talk to. Is it that I think I'm not good enough for anyone? Could be. Or maybe I'm just so lost in my own mind that I don't know what it is that I know and what I don't know.
The Tarot give you guidance, much like the Oracle in the Matrix. This morning I gave myself a general guidance reading, and it said that I would have to make a very important decision reguarding a close friend of mine. The decision, the cards said would change my entire mentality from mysterious or cold to open, free, or lost. Could this friend be Darcie? Is this choice to be one way or another, or could it be for me to decide whether I really do have feelings for her?
One of the reasons that I haven't had a real girlfriend for, well, ever, is that I'm afraid of alienating my friends from myself. I feel that if I tell a girl that I have feelings for her, which she cannot return that I will lose her as a friend because I can't be near her by choice.
I guess it ends up, again, with me feeling inadequate or just having a Victim Mentality, which the Tarot described to me in another form of a reading I practiced with today. I was told that I am someone that people look to as a regulating force, that I am generally not prone to spontenuity, but I was also told that I am also prone to said Victim Mentality, which I am. I feel that I am not quite enough for my friends, or, well, anyone so I pretend to be someone that I am not to make them seem like they need me to just do what I do so that they can be themselves.
I modify my personality to what fits the mood of others to balance them, and I have become good at this with practice.
I may lose her as my friend for saying this, but it is possible that I do "like" Darcie. When I talk to her, I don't try to be "The Regulator" like with the rest of my friends. I just say what is on my mind, and what I feel, and it seem to fit.
I have a feeling inside me that this could be the last post I do feeling like I do, and it very well might be. If Darcie reads this, I will either become closer to her, and she to I, or I may lose her forever.
Either way, if she sees this post, I will never be the same, and neither will this blog.
This may have been a struggle for you to finish reading, but I thank you for taking the time to do so.
Friday, November 07, 2003
Guess what? On Wednesday, The Matrix: Revolutions came out. So, my friends and I are going to see it tonight (booyea). The only problem is, its just the normal crew :(. Darcie isn't going, Chelsea isn't going to be there, and FaTony won't be going either! What's with that?
Anyways...I finished downloading a while bunch of stuff last night:
-1984: Ingsoc+BB=doubleplusungood
-MechWarrior 4 Mercenaries: Beep Beep vrrrr shoom! BAM!
-Diablo II Expansion: Lord of Destruction: Ba'al=weird name for a demon
What else? Today we had a sub in History. Guess who? It was Knowlton! Yes, for the second day in one week, we've had the Knowltonator as a sub. That's really cool. Knowlton is the strangest person that I know, and he's a great sub. When we're done our work, he starts some philosophical discussion with us. Today, we didn't have time because we watched the West Wing episode from Wednesday, but the last time we had him as sub, we talked about how girls are wearing things that they shouldn't be, and how guys are wearing things that a couple years ago would make them be called gay (run-on).
To end this post, I'd like to say that Ryan Gallant of Pembroke, New Hampshire is a complete and utter moron (see side pane for more details).
Thursday, November 06, 2003
Tuesday, November 04, 2003
Today: I woke up to my computer crapping out. Last night I left it on to run Norton, and it found 80 infected files! Yay! So, after that happened, Norton cleverly deleted the files and my computer didnt like that for some reason. Nevertheless, it was making its funny little noises this morning for a little bit.
School was funny though. Functions was dull until we went to a presentation on respect. After that presentation, with all of its flashy pictures, I felt like buying a case of Pepsi...wonder why?
Chemistry was, as usual, very, very, very boring. We went on for a little bit about chemicals and then talked a little more about chemicals and then talked about some weird bridge building contest where you use popsicle sticks to build a bridge to span a 30" gap. It seems that my class is going to watch the competition for some reason...iunno why since we're a chemistry class and it's a physics project. Whatever.
English was actually semi-fun today. We kept working on those stupid words that I talked about before, and I just copied off of Allison's paper today (since we were working together ;) ;) lol). We talked for a bit and then in the second part of class we talked again until Dunlea made us watch a video on Langston Hughes, which I *proudly* slept through :).
History wasn't as good as yesterday. We talked about our candidates for the Final Exam project, and then we talked about Allison's scary story she wrote using some '20's era words that Gleason gave us (*shudders*). Afterwards, we talked about the reading from "A Problem from Hell": America in the Age of Genocide", at which point he just gave us some questions to answer. Monochrome and I worked with the rest of the people in our row, including Darcie, Chelsea, and a few scary girls named Michelle, Christina, Jessica, June, and the rage-fueled one: Mary. Somehow, I ended up telling everyone in the group the story of how Monochrome burned his chin on some pizza--obviously completely off topic, but whatever. In the end of the class, we were talking about the best movie evar, Donnie Darko. Though it makes no sense at all the first time you watch it, it is major deep stuff after you've seen it twice. I highly recommend it to everyone who reads this page...and by every one I mean all one lol.
After I got back from school, Monochrome IMed me and started talking about how he can't get Chelsea, who just doesn't seem to want a boyfriend at this point. I have to admire him, though, because he's persistent.
What else has happened today? Not too much to be honest. Right now, I'm listening to the best psychadelic rock band ever: Pink Floyd, and I'm feeling a little tripped out :P. Ahh, The Wall r00ls.
For today's first survey:

Your element is Earth. I hate to say it but you are
down to earth. Stubborn and loyal. You tend to
want to nurture others and you are the one
person friends always come to for awnsers.
Without people like you others would be flying
over the edge because, whether you know it or
not you keep a steady beat to your life and
will end up where you want to in the end. There
is a sureness about you that is hard to match
that draws people to you. No matter what
happens the Earth keeps turning.
What's your element
brought to you by Quizilla

Miyu -- Now that you know which anime vampire you
are, why don't you
Here to become one!
If you were an anime vampire, who would you be?
brought to you by Quizilla
I think that's about all for this afternoon's post.
I just finished watching Monty Python's "The Meaning of Life." While I was watching it, I was burning it onto a few CDs for my friends (don't tell lol). One of these friends was Chelsea...and while I was burning it, I realized that she may not like this film, as it happens to be written by a group of sexist English men. I'm almost afraid to give her the CD tomarrow in case she would be offended, as if she is, I may lose a friend in her...What to do?
Aight, that's all for's not. I changed the color of the scrolly-bar on the right side of the window (for IE4+ and NS6).
Now, that's all.
Monday, November 03, 2003
Hey...It's me again. I just thought that I should show you some of the updates I've collected. I found a really cool website that lets you have free tracking on your website, as well as a free guestbook. Why is it so cool? Because I didn't have to code any of it myself, and since I'm lazy that is good for me. I just got a hit counter and a guest book, both at the bottom of the page. I'm not sure whether I'll get anything else, but for now, that's all. I'll update later then.
Guess what? My vampire name is Driretlan:
Driretlan is your Vampire name.
You are a witty Vampire with a certain style that
others are drawn to.
To use your new Vampire name and become a Vampire,
go here:
What is your Vampire name?
brought to you by Quizilla
And I'm most closely related to the song "Sweet Dreams by the Eurythmics:

"Sweet Dreams" (by Eurythmics)
Sweet dreams are made of this
Who am I to disagree?
Travel the world and the seven seas
Everybody's looking for something
Some of them want to use you
Some of them want to get used by you
Some of them want to abuse you
Some of them want to be abused
Which 80's Song Fits You?
brought to you by Quizilla
...Aaaaand for those people who just happen to be fans of me:
You won't die. God will take you up to Heaven
without having to taste the bitterness of
death, just like Elijah and FDR. Political Satire Buy unique pro-
Liberty apparel, bumper stickers and books!
How Will You Die?
brought to you by Quizilla
Finally, I'm loneliness...who woulda thunk it?
You represent... loneliness.
Always alone and always sad about it... unlike
angst, you don't have to look for a reason to
be miserable. You want to be in the company of
people but aren't sure how to act when you're
with them. Sometimes you have to make an
effort. You can't always wait for others to
come to you.
What feeling do you represent?
brought to you by Quizilla
That's about all for now I think.
Well it's Monday. Whoopee.
Today I started feeling like crap. My alarm didn't go off, and I woke up late, and on top of that I didn't get toeat anything. At school didn't finish my Functions homework, so the teacher was being a douche about that, and in Homeroom, I found out that everyone failed the summer reading tests. Second block wasn't so bad, I did a test then went to the library and drew baaad pictures of the Banshee vehicle from Halo.
Afterwards, the day picked up a little when the girl mentioned in the last post started a convo with me ( :-D ). We did some stupid thing matching literary terms to stories or something like that. It was stupid and boring, so I talked to Monochrome for the whole period :).
By History, there was about 12 people in the class, so we just hung out mainly. Monochrome and I talked to the girls the are at the next table over, Darcie and Chelsea. Allison is also around and we talk to her too. Darcie is nice, she's tall with dark hair. We have an ongoing joke that she is a stripper becasue when we are bored in History, we draw pictures of pretty much random stuff and have the random stuff fight between them. I was brought into one of these battles by Monochrome, and Darcie drew a stripper who "Distracted Jake." In the end of this paper conflict, Darcie wrote "She wins," to which Monochrome wrote "Who? The stripper or Darcie?" and Darcie wrote: The stripper, 'cuz it's Darcie." I guess you had to be there.
Moving on, Chelsea is short and a little over-obsessed with her pet donkey. Note: This Chelsea is not to be confused with my slutty ex-girlfriend Chelsea who just happens to be short as well. She's cool though. Oh ya, if you didn't catch that part, from his blog Monochrome is like in love with her (lol). Nevertheless, she's a nice person.
Allison is...well...Republican to the max. She is obsessed with George Bush in a scary way. She has some strange theories about what the world should be and why it should be like that. One of these theories is that some people just don't deserve rights. She flat-out said this on the second day of our discussion of women's rights. Now, why would a woman say these things about women's rights? Seriously, how can someone like that who thinks that anyone who is a Democrat should be lynched say that people shouldn't get equal rights? I'm not sure and I probably will never know either.
Oh, ya...I came to a startling conclusion today. Fat girls shouldn't be allowed to wear thongs and short skirts, especially if they are planning on standing near a stairwell. I was walking up to History class today and I determined this by experiencing it, which made Darcie, Chelsea, and Allison laugh hysterically when I said that to them. They're evil to the max.
After school let out, I went down to get my birth certificate back from the Driver's Education instructor. I had to wait like twenty minutes and I missed my ride which I wasn't too happy about. I got a ride from my friend Mike, though and here I am, telling you about the amazing day I've had and such.
In a couple of weeks, I may be going to MIT for a program called ESP Splash, which sounds really cool. The deal is, you go to MIT for two days to attend 16 hours of seminars on various things. It cheap, $30 to do the whole thing. Though it doesn't give you any college credits, it does make you look really good to colleges that you apply to, which is ?ber cool (like the umlov'd U?).
I think that's about all for now, I'll try to update again soon.
Friday, October 31, 2003
It's been a loooong time since I updated, huh? I bet y'all thought I was dead. Unfortunately for you I'm still here, just fell asleep for a long time...nah I lied I was just a little busy.
I have a question: Why is it that the nicest people tend to be the ones that live the loneliest lives out? I mean Bill Gates, the purest form of evil is happily married, but a person like me, who is nice to everyone he sees is seen as a loner, no matter what he tries to get the attention of the girls that he likes? It confuses me to no end. If you asked anyone I know, they would say that I have never done anything to make them dislike me (Even Bonsai who ritually and regularly tries to bring my self-esteem lower than it already is). Does anyone out there know why this happens? I surely don't. Whatever.
To whine a bit more, I have noticed that all of my friends have a very close friend of the opposite sex...even the punk-geek ones. Monochrome has this really nice girl named Chelsea, Bonsai has a girl named Talia (who may not exist because I've never seen her), Keys had a girlfriend until just recently, but I'm sure that he can get another if he tried. So that leaves me.
The last girlfriend I had was in the summer, and we broke it off after being "together" for about 3 weeks since she "Didn't want to have a strained long-distance relationship." Bah fuck. Last night Monochrome told me that a girl at school liked me, and though I was skeptical, I went along with it for a while. Today she didn't even say "Hi" to me. Once again: Bah Fuck.
On another point, I have CAD again next semester (that is, after the second week of January). This means I'll be updating a lot more by then.
More on updates: Bonsai has moved to his own blog. This means that you probably won't see a lot of him on DisInt. Keys has pretty much left DisInt alone altogether so you won't see a lot of him there either. Monochrome is still at his old blog, here. If you feel the need to, update your bookmarks as necessary. I'll be changing the blog links as well to match this new development.
One more thing: I think I'm going to change my handle to Raine. It sounds cooler than Clash.
That's about all for now. 'Night.
Tuesday, July 22, 2003
It's only been about a week since my last entry. I'm on tongiht to update all my stuff and check my email, maybe even talk to my estranged friends (estranged = disconnected from me). I haven't talked to my friend Jeremy since school let out...maybe I should email him...later...
I'm starting to wish I had a computer at this point, because I've been out of the loop, and all of my friends have gone out and done stuff without me even knowing! *Sighs* That, and NS 2.0 comes out in about 9 days...but who's counting?
Work (I should tell you about it huh) is starting to be...uhh...traumatizing. The little girl (I told y'all about her) thinks that I'm her boyfriend now, and tells all her friends so. Why can't I get the girls I actually want? This confuses me severely. *Sighs again*
With nothing really to tell you other than that, I'm off to check on my friend's blogs.
G'Night y'all.
Wednesday, July 16, 2003
Hey all. Unless you're completely retarded, you might have guessed that I haven't posted in about.... 40 days; but who's counting?.
This is because I haven't had time! Believe it or not, I actually have a job and after work, I go to my new house to work on it. Fun Fun Fun. Sadly, I haven't even had time for girls, like my friend Bonsai on DisInt. He seems to be having a little trouble with his lady-friend, but I hope it works out well for him. Seriously. Hey shut up! What's up with this one ever believes a sincere comment because of all the negative and sarcastic remarks that get thrown around. Sheesh.
Anyway. NS 2.0 comes out July 31. (*Is excited*)
Back to work...I work at a summer camp and we go around the state to swim and play around in all the state parks on monday, tuesday, thursday, and friday. On wednesday, we go somewhere special, like a museum or roller skating. I've met a bunch of people and reunited with a couple old friends (all counselors), and I'm afraid that one little girl "likes" me too much. I'm not lying...she follows me around and trys to show off to me and she's just weird around me. Ok off of that...
I'm still sad that I haven't even talked to a girl my age (out of work and offline) for about a month now. *Sighs* I'm hoping to hook up with my friends and go to Hooters (Fa'Tony...ahem!) but to no avail, as my mom has been in the hospital twice in the past three weeks, and is there as I write this post.
Back to girls. I really really really wish I knew one who liked me on more than a friendship or professional level. I think I'm compatable, at least, but all the girls just act like I'm the nice guy they's just like to "be friends" with. *Sighs twice* I'll never understand girls, but then again...who will? *Sighs again for good measure*
I don't have much else to say tonight, so if you wanna talk to me, my contact info is on the side, and my AIM is wolfhoundNH.
Friday, June 06, 2003
This week, I have been taking some time off.I just didn't feel like posting.
But, I have things to tell anyone who reads this.
First: I keep getting people telling me that they don't like this page. I have a question for those people: Why do you read it then? If you don't like my page or the way I run it, stop coming back and shut up! I'm not going to change the layout, the subjects, or my tone for anyone or anything.
Next: This is the last week the Seniors are at my school. This is saddening because I have quite a few Senior friends. I didn't notice this until yesterday when they were in the Auditorium at school, and they were playing pictures from the past year on the big screen thingy. Now, I coulda taken this fine, except they were playing the song "I Will Always Love You" by Whitney Houston, I think (Don't even think of tagging or emailing me about me being wrong, because I will immediately delete them). Now this song is very saddening, plus someone played it at my Dad's funeral reception, so it makes me depressed almost every time I hear it.
Anyways, I saw my friend Jeremy for what could be the last time today. I'm moving about 40 miles from my current home, and since Jeremy is a Senior, he will be going to Rochester Academy next year. Combine these two, and you'll understand that I may not be able to talk to him other than in emails or at F.I.R.S.T. competitions that he gets to come to, if my team goes to the ones he goes to.
Enough of the saddening stuff. Wait. I don't have much else to say.
Oh ya...I am Neo from the Matrix:

You are Neo, from "The Matrix." You
display a perfect fusion of heroism and
What Matrix Persona Are You?
brought to you by Quizilla
Try that out, it's pretty cool.
Oh well. Later.
Tuesday, June 03, 2003
Friday, May 30, 2003
Yeah, the eighth graders come up to my school on monday. Woohoo. That means we get a bunch of snot-nosed losers who idolize FRESHMEN. God, that's stupid.
Next thing on the agenda: Something reeks. I'm in CAD class, and something form the area of the moron clump smells like decomposition. I think the had some school breakfast or something.
And finally, I think that Biology blows. Why? Because I've been up until almost 11pm every night this week making a project for the class. I have to make a "Portfolio containing your best works from the semester". BS. In this portfolio, I need to collect a bunch of work from the semester, and write a letter from someone I don't know to another person I don't know. Why? How the hell am I supposed to know?
I'm out.
Wednesday, May 28, 2003
Tuesday, May 27, 2003
Uhh I think Ben is nuts. He just made a picture in DataCAD that had a little guy with a gun next to his head. Now, this would've been all nice and cool except he had a little section of text that said "I'm going to shoot myself" in very very bad writing. Duncan has made him black as well. I'm out.
Well. After a long weekend of playing around in my house (building stuff) I still have *gasp* no computer. (*sigh*)
I had some trouble this weekend. In the parking lot for BJ's, I almost hit a guy who decided to park within three inches of me. Moron.
Last Friday was Martin Sargent's last day on the ScreenSavers! :*( He has a new show on Monday to Thursday at 2300, on TechTv, so check it out. It's really weird...think Tom Green + Computer. I saw a segment where Martin went to the International Gourmet Kitchen Appliances Show in LA. Do you know why he went there? That's right. To get a blender! Oh yes, a blender. He went through the convention for about an hour to find the most badass blender there, and my oh my did he find a kickass blender! It was the PowerBlend 5000 from Kitchenaid, and it was a military-grade crusher-blender-pureer-killing machine. Check out Unscrewed at 2300 (That's 11pm for you military-impared ones) on TechTv.
Well, I'm almost done with my house now. We have the plumbing in, and will have water by next weekend (yay!). After that, all we need to do is finish the electrical boxes then we can hang the drywall, lay down careting, and then do the finish work.
I'll update some other time.
Friday, May 23, 2003
I'm at home, on my brother's computer. Not quite as slow as the school computers, but almost there compared to my race car-puter. I checked out the stuff from the view of a computer on another resolution (the school computers have it locked on 1024x768), and I noticed that my posts section is...small. I tried to remedy this, but I don't have the patience to do that right now, so I'll do it on Tuesday during CAD class >:).
Err...It's Friday, like I said before, and David is going to come up tonight, so maybe I'll get my puter back fomr the shop, which I have found, is where it has been hiding since last Thursday.
But, I'm a little bored. All week,I have been watching shows like Silent Mobius on TechTv and the ScreenSavers, also on TechTv, but the content has...stagnated. (*sigh*)
This is getting to be a little annoying, working on such a slow computer, soooo cloooose to where mine was just eight days ago...I feel like I need to play Natural Selection! >.> <.< You...err...wanna hook me up?
Ah well. Later.
OK here's the deal. New Template and the tagboard *finally* works. I know I've been saying that I was gonna fix it all week, but I finally did, so TAG! I think I am the only one who tagged (keys doesn't count, he's too short :P).
Duncan and Ben are still playing with Terragen, a terrain generator, which takes FOREVER on the school computers. Oh well.
Umm. It's Friday, and suprisingly, I didn't see Matt yesterday, so I couldn't scream things almost like "Happy Birthday" at him. But it's Friday, and since it is Friday, I'm not gonna do any work in CAD class. Hey--doesn't that sound like Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday too? I think I may be seeing a pattern here.
Ben is going to be a narcileptic now, just to see whether the teacher, Mr Duquette notices. I wonder if he does...
Over the past few weeks, I have acquired more and more students from Duquette-san, and I have been teaching them the masterful art of Visual Reality.
Thursday, May 22, 2003
Here it is. May 22. A.K.A. Late Arrival day. That means that I get at school at 830 and I wait until about 945 until CAD starts, so I can continue playing games, though on another computer in another room.
You may be noticing that I cannot spell the word necessary correctly, as Ben has pointed out many times. The problem is, I cannot spell long words for shit and I don't care if you tell me, got it Ben? Good.
Another idiot is near me. This seems to be a pattern...thenever I go into the CAD room, an idiot comes to meet me. Hmmm....
Jimmy the Fish is next to me ranting...this reminds me of the Ranting Swede from the show Sheep in the Big City from the Cartoon Network. Silly Jimmy...
Seth is next to me on his laptop, which I was just playing Unreal Tournament 2003 (if you haven't heard of it, the site is here) on (and pwning, just so you know). But, since it was Seth's computer, I let someone else have a chance to get pwned (this is where the moron comes in).
Anyways...I'm out.
Tuesday, May 20, 2003
Today, my CAD teacher, Mr Duquette is out. Instead, we have one of the coolest subs in the school, Mr Ben Hill. Mr Hill does stuf to make him cool, and I'm not sure what that stuff is yet, because I've only had him as a teacher for one or two classes.
Anyway. About 30 seconds after I typed the last sentence on my last post, my friend came in and told me that his mom was going to give us a ride instead of him going to get his car. Later, though we went to the store and came back to school to get working papers (hmmm maybe I should get those today...), and all of this was in his car! W007 M0nt3 C4|2l0!!1 <=B4D L337 Sk1llz >:)
I'll update again later if I feel it is nessicairy, or if I just have nothing to do.
Monday, May 19, 2003
By now, you may have realized that I am waiting for something. It turns out that this somethign may be my Tag-Board to work. I got it to be on the page,'s a little high for my taste. In this update, I'm going to try to fix that up for my own state of mind (haha!).
But, alas, I am waiting instead for my ride home. I was told by my friend that I could get a ride with him because he got lisence today (did I spell that right?). So, he was going to pick me up in his brand spanking new '98 Monte Carlo LS (whoohoo), but, at 15:30, he still isnt here, and it is a about an hour after school ended. LOL! After I got done typing that last sentence, his mom just pulled into the school traffic circle thingy, which happens to be right in front of me.
Aight, I'm going to try to fix that annoying thing on the tag board.
Later y'all.
Now, you may be thinking, why did he use that inappropriate phrase? I assure you that it was not supposed to offend anyone, except maybe Ben Perkins...but that is beside the point ;-). I'm writing to y'all from CAD class, and the reason is PC at home has been, well...misplaced. I'm not sure why or how, but: One day it was there and the next day it wasn't. If you can assist me in finding it, please drop me an email. Wait. Scratch that. No computer = No Email.
You may be asking "How are you updating your Blog, then?" Well, rest assured, I have my ways.
Uhh. I'm gonna try to get a TaggitBoard up for you all to drop one-liners on, and maybe some NIALL quotes (NIALL is a Non-Intelligent Language Learner, the A means something, but I'm not sure what that is).
Another Language bot is the Jibble Applet Bot, located Here.
I'm not sure where NIALL is right now, but the JibbleBot is cool because you can see how it actually maps its language.
Well. Later.
Thursday, May 15, 2003
Again, idiocy confounds me.
But off of that, I would like to say that today is a good day. First of all, most of my classmates are off on a fieldtrip, so in two of my classes, we won't be doing anything at all! In the other two classes, we don't do any work at all anyways, so it don't matter. :) Oh ya, I only have four classes.
I'm sitting in 3D Art class right now, typing on a SLOW computer while I should be doing my monster project >:).
About that, the blog for it is at This Blog.
Check it out in a few days, and I should have updated it at least once.
Furthermore, today is good because the Matrix: Reloaded comes out today :-D. Check it out at The official Site
Erm, for now, I don't have anything else to tell y'all, so I'm off.
Tuesday, May 13, 2003
...What should I write about? I have a flaming moron near me and I'm not sure what his problem is...for some reason, he just stands there screaming at me and other people, for no reason whatsoever. Oh well.
Another note, I'm about to make fun of people. I'm sitting here in CAD class, and I guess I've inherited a protege (*sigh*) from the teacher. The thing is, this kid can't hold his own for crap. Yesterday, for example, I told him how to do the same thing about twelve times before giving up. Needless to say, I'm a little annoyed by him.
Another Idiot that I can't stand is Senator Fritz. For some reason, he thinks that people need to have their computers all equal and with "Trusted Parts." These "trusted" parts have special chips on them that allow the Trusted Computer Platform Agency to know what you do at all times. They will log your keytappings, and they will be able to remotely scan your computer and delete any files they don't like, such as music, "Innapropriate" games (GTA III for example), and any pirated stuff on your computer (music, games, videos, etc).
Oh ya, speaking of idiocy, check out my friend's blogs: Dismantled Intentions and Monochromatic Existence
I'll update later.