Friday, October 31, 2003

It's been a loooong time since I updated, huh? I bet y'all thought I was dead. Unfortunately for you I'm still here, just fell asleep for a long time...nah I lied I was just a little busy.
I have a question: Why is it that the nicest people tend to be the ones that live the loneliest lives out? I mean Bill Gates, the purest form of evil is happily married, but a person like me, who is nice to everyone he sees is seen as a loner, no matter what he tries to get the attention of the girls that he likes? It confuses me to no end. If you asked anyone I know, they would say that I have never done anything to make them dislike me (Even Bonsai who ritually and regularly tries to bring my self-esteem lower than it already is). Does anyone out there know why this happens? I surely don't. Whatever.
To whine a bit more, I have noticed that all of my friends have a very close friend of the opposite sex...even the punk-geek ones. Monochrome has this really nice girl named Chelsea, Bonsai has a girl named Talia (who may not exist because I've never seen her), Keys had a girlfriend until just recently, but I'm sure that he can get another if he tried. So that leaves me.
The last girlfriend I had was in the summer, and we broke it off after being "together" for about 3 weeks since she "Didn't want to have a strained long-distance relationship." Bah fuck. Last night Monochrome told me that a girl at school liked me, and though I was skeptical, I went along with it for a while. Today she didn't even say "Hi" to me. Once again: Bah Fuck.
On another point, I have CAD again next semester (that is, after the second week of January). This means I'll be updating a lot more by then.
More on updates: Bonsai has moved to his own blog. This means that you probably won't see a lot of him on DisInt. Keys has pretty much left DisInt alone altogether so you won't see a lot of him there either. Monochrome is still at his old blog, here. If you feel the need to, update your bookmarks as necessary. I'll be changing the blog links as well to match this new development.
One more thing: I think I'm going to change my handle to Raine. It sounds cooler than Clash.

That's about all for now. 'Night.
