This week, I have been taking some time off.I just didn't feel like posting.
But, I have things to tell anyone who reads this.
First: I keep getting people telling me that they don't like this page. I have a question for those people: Why do you read it then? If you don't like my page or the way I run it, stop coming back and shut up! I'm not going to change the layout, the subjects, or my tone for anyone or anything.
Next: This is the last week the Seniors are at my school. This is saddening because I have quite a few Senior friends. I didn't notice this until yesterday when they were in the Auditorium at school, and they were playing pictures from the past year on the big screen thingy. Now, I coulda taken this fine, except they were playing the song "I Will Always Love You" by Whitney Houston, I think (Don't even think of tagging or emailing me about me being wrong, because I will immediately delete them). Now this song is very saddening, plus someone played it at my Dad's funeral reception, so it makes me depressed almost every time I hear it.
Anyways, I saw my friend Jeremy for what could be the last time today. I'm moving about 40 miles from my current home, and since Jeremy is a Senior, he will be going to Rochester Academy next year. Combine these two, and you'll understand that I may not be able to talk to him other than in emails or at F.I.R.S.T. competitions that he gets to come to, if my team goes to the ones he goes to.
Enough of the saddening stuff. Wait. I don't have much else to say.
Oh ya...I am Neo from the Matrix:

You are Neo, from "The Matrix." You
display a perfect fusion of heroism and
What Matrix Persona Are You?
brought to you by Quizilla
Try that out, it's pretty cool.
Oh well. Later.