[Scream] (Note: Don't read this and be pissed off at me. This is a product of my recent experiences.)
That's what I want to do right now. I just want to scream, as loud and as long as I can. Until I collapse. I am so sick of people telling me what to do and think, when to do and think it, and why I'm wrong about everything I say.
Lately I've been told numerous times that I'm wrong about numerous things. Honestly, I usually don't give a fuck what people think about me, but as of late it's starting to get to me. Let's start with the small stuff. First off, I live in New Hampshire, and I am a fan of the New York Yankees. Why? Because I can be. America is supposed to be a free country, isn't it?
So today someone threatened to hurt me, just because I like the Yankees. They got me against a wall and threatened me, because I like the Yankees. Now this wasn't just someone, either. It was some someones. More than one person. They actually held me against a wall while someone almost hurt me because I like a fucking baseball team that their team can't seem to beat. Every year this happens. The Red Sox and the Yankees face off in the ALCS and the Yankees beat them. Boston fans call it the "Curse of the Bambino" because it's happened every year since New York bought Babe Ruth from Boston, like 70 years ago. There's no such thing as a curse. New York is just better.
So tonight I told my friend about this little happening. This is one of the few people in the world I have ever really trusted. What did she do when I told her about it? She laughed at me. She said: "They should have [done it]." I don't know what to think about her anymore. I just don't. She actually thought it was funny I was going to get hurt over a fucking baseball team.
Around here, just about everyone hates the Yankees. In other places, other people hate other people. What does it all boil down to, though? Worship. On 9/11/01 Islamic extremists flew planes into the World Trade Center in New York, as well as the Pentagon outside if Washington, D.C.. Why? A lot of their hate was from a jealousy of Americans. But I think most of it is from their hatred toward Christianity, the most commonly practiced religion in America. And that's just what religion does to people. The Crusades. What were they for? It was the fucking Pope, sitting high and mighty on his throne in Rome, telling men across Europe to sacrifice themselves to rid the world of the heathen Muslims in the Middle East. The Armenian Genocide in the early 20th century. What was that? It was people killing other people for thinking that their god was something. The Halocaust. The "Ultimate Solution," ridding Europe of the scum that was the impure, the dirty, anything that wasn't Aerian. What wasn't Aerian? Anyone not of a select few from a high class Christian gene pool. There are many many more recent examples, but for now I'll leave off here.
Religion only serves to tear people apart. Most of the longest running wars have been based on religion. The Crusades. WWII. Ireland/North Ireland. Hutsis/Tutsis. And what has religion given us in return for being so fucking deplorable? A reason to go on making mankind pissed off.
Intolerability is one of my biggest peeves. I see it all the time. People don't like me because I'm opinionated. They don't like me because I like the Yankees. They don't like me because I don't like them because they don't like me because they're just plain ignorant to me. All across the world, people hate each other because no one will stop and fucking pay attention to each other. Why the fuck won't people just shut the fuck up and let other people talk for once?
A big thing in America lately is abortion. Christianazis tell everyone that if you don't oppose abortion with every fiber of your body, wou will go to Hell. Fuck that. There is no fucking hell other than your own stupidity, fucktards. I don't give a fuck about abortion, whether it's legal or not. But when there's a teenage mother-to-be that will die if she doesn't get an abortion (there are many pregnancies that result in this), why should she die because an old man in the Vatican said god told him abortion is bad?
God does not exist, to anyone out there still ignorant enough to believe in it. Let me explain something to you all. God never created us. We evolved, through selective reproduction, from tiny mammals to the fucked up creatures we are now.
So go to your Hell. I don't give a flying fuck about your god or what he thinks about me. If he's so almighty, why hasn't he smacked my ass all the way to hell by now? He's had plenty of chances.
So, when I tell people that I don't like religion, they consider me a bad person. Why? Fuck if I know. With all the good religion has done for us, I'm suprised it's had any following at all. All I've learned from it is intolerability.
What about gay people? Everyone in America has a view on gay people. Whether you think they're people, or you think they cause the destruction of civilization, you definately have a stance. I say "Who the fuck cares?" If some guy wants to get married to another guy, so be it. I don't give a fuck what people do in their bedrooms at night, and it shouldn't matter anyways. The new politally correct standpoint against gay people is the "sanctity of the word 'marriage'" group. Marriage isnt sanctimonious anymore. If two gay people want to get married, let them. The only people that will ever fight it are the idiots who won't get their thumbs out of their asses and let some progress happen in this country.
Like the lovely people out there that hate our current president. Michael Moore, if you ever read this, I just want to say "Go fuck yourself." I'm sick of people bitching about the president. They actually think it's his fault the world hates America. News flash, idiots. The president has almost no power, contrary to common belief. Every thing he does is voted on and voted on again. Congress. Senate. Board of Secretaries. Any of these ring a bell? For every decision made by the president, there are 10 or 100 or 300 that can go against his view. The president doesn't even get the final say in anything. If he approves or vetoes a bill or call of action, the Senate and House can just vote it in or veto it themselves. Fuck. I would vote for George Bush if I were to vote. Why? Just to see all those whiney pricks out ther like Michael Moore bitch their fat asses off. If you don't like the way the country is being run, then get the fuck out.
Moreover, I know a lot of people that won't ever pause to hear the opposate side to an argument. I debate a lot with a lot of people. My latest debate was with a girl I know about the value of relationships. I told her that in almost every relationship that I had seen or been in, the girl had used the guy for all they could, then got rid of themas soon as possible. She called me an idiot, which I knew was coming. I gave her examples of every time I had seen a girl take advantage of a guy for whatever reason they did, and then I told her about the very few times that I had seen the opposate. She didn't even listen to a word I said. Instead, she told me that "Girls never take advantage of guys" and later went on to tell me that I was "definately venting some pent-up frustration." I asked her how she knew this before me. I figured that I would be the first to know about me "venting," wouldn't I?
Seems to me that most of my problems stem from people disagreeing with me. Makes sense. Go ahead and disagree with me. It's your right as a person. But, when you start telling me that I am a fuckup because I'm not just like you I
will start to get pissed off, as I was tonight. So I have a nice little message to all of you out there who want to tell me I'm a bad person, based on my views:
Good night.